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Fear and anger often go viral, but peace, generosity, and kindness can too.  The more healed and peaceful you are as a person, the more you can spread peace and healing to others. This page will include a variety of helpful resources for people looking to improve their own lives who may have limited access to therapy and other expensive resources. This list is by no means a complete list of options, only those that the creators of this site have found helpful in their own personal journeys.

Presence/ Mediation

Resources for Healing

Books/ Podcasts

Trauma Therapies



Wondering where to start? A good first step is presence, being mindful and aware of the moment that you are in right now. Quite your thinking mind however briefly, and focus on something small, your breath, the feel of your toes against the floor, the feel of your scalp. Congratulations! That’s a great first step. For more resources on practicing presence, consult any of the works of Eckhart Tolle, but most highly recommended is his book A New Earth, and his podcast, Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings.

Meditation is a well-known method to calm the brain and promote relaxation. There are a wide number to choose from, but we recommend the Jose Silva Centering exercise, sometimes called the 3-2-1 method. What sets this apart is that it is designed to accelerate its own benefits. If you complete the full, approximately 20-minute relaxation method several times (8-12), you can replicate the relaxation benefits in seconds by repeating the prompts in your head. This leaves you in an optimal state for manifestation practices and also better able deal with any stressful situation that you may face.

Resources for Healing.

The good news is there are countless books, podcasts, and videos available on how to help people heal. The authors of this site recommend you follow your own instincts as to which resources speak to your needs, whether you find them on this site or elsewhere.  The categories are vague, as labels usual are. Most of the resources overlap in topic. There are no links to physical books or podcasts, only recommend that you find them on your preferred platforms.

Books about trauma in systems and individuals

These books give scientific information about trauma, including PTSD, how it effects individuals, and how it can be perpetuated within institutions.

Books about Presence and Healing

Books on specific topics


Trauma therapies


There are several therapies available to heal trauma. Most people can benefit from multiple modalities. In an ideal world, everyone would have access to an experienced therapist. In reality, most have many obstacles to getting effective treatment. Many of these therapies can be safely practiced at home. You may find further guidance on your favorite video platform. Please note, no one at Imagine a Better World is a therapist or medical professional. It is always best to consult with a professional for your health needs.



Somatic Yoga


Bilateral sound/tapping

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